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AmnInt Documets available
- Subject: AmnInt Documets available
- From: anb-bia <anb-bia at village.uunet.be>
- Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 11:09:58 +0200
AVAILABLE ON REQUEST THE FOLLOWING AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS: (uniquement en anglais...) ------------- A. RDC (Zaire) Democratic Republic of Congo: Massive violations kill human decency Thousands of unarmed civilians have been unlawfully killed, many others tortured and scores "disappeared" in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), said Amnesty International as it released a new report, Democratic Republic of Congo: Killing human decency. (31 may 2000) 1: You can find this document at this URL: <http://www.amnesty.org/ailib/aipub/2000/AFR/16200700.htm> 2: You can also ask anb-bia for the following REF: <\AI\RDC\0531ai.exe> (a self-extracting zipped file) ------------------- B. Great Lakes's Refugees The lives, dignity and security of thousands of refugees in the Great Lakes region of Africa are once again under threat. Standards of refugee protection in Tanzania have dropped dramatically again since late 1999 as scores of Burundian and Rwandese refugees have been forcibly returned to their countries in violation of Tanzanian law and international refugee law, including the Organization of African Unity's 1969 Convention Governing Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa. Amnesty International is appealing to the Governments of Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda to respect the rights of refugees and to the Governments of Tanzania and Burundi to live up to their international and regional obligations to respect the principle of non-refoulement and to take immediate action to prevent further forcible returns . 1: You can find this document at this URL: <http://www.amnesty.org/ailib/aipub/2000/AFR/10200200.htm> 2: You can also ask anb-bia for the following REF: <\AI\GreatLake\052k.doc> --------- If you ask for one or more of these documents from anb-bia, please don't ask with a reply command - send a new e-mail WITH JUST the needed REF. Thanks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Paolo *********************************************************************** * "La liberation sociale? * * Se liberer du besoin d'appartenir au troupeau" (A. De Mello) * * -------- * * "What's Social Freedom? * * "Freeing oneself from the need of belonging to a herd" (A.De Mello)* ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Greetings from: ANB-BIA, Av. Charles Woeste 184,B-1090, Brussel, Belgium Ph.: 32-2 420.34.36-Fax: 32-2 420.05.49 - e-mail : <anb-bia at village.uunet.be> WWW: http://www.peacelink.it/anb-bia/anb-bia.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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