Salviamo una donna iraniana dalla possibile morte

From: Anna Gigli
Subject: salviamo una donna iraniana dalla possibile morte

Quella che segue è una urgente petizione al ministro degli interni
britannico, per bloccare il rimpatrio forzato in Iran di Pegah Emambakhsh,
una donna iraniana lesbica che aveva chiesto asilo politico in Gran
Bretagna. Se dovesse essere deportata in Iran, come deciso dalla Border
and Immigration Agency, rischia la morte per lapidazione.

Per firmare cliccare su

Si prega di far circolare

Anna Gigli


To:  UK Home Secretary
HO ref. B1191057

Dear Home Secretary,

We the undersigned petition the Home Secretary to reconsider Pegah
Emambakhsh's case and grant her permission to stay in the UK. If returned
to Iran she faces certain imprisonment and possibly stoning to death. Her
crime in Iran is her sexual orientation - she was in a relationship with
another woman.

Pegah Emambakhsh is an Iranian national who sought asylum in the UK in
2005. Her claim failed despite appeals and she was arrested in Sheffield
on Monday 13th August and taken to Yarlswood detention centre. She is
likely to be deported back to Iran in the near future.

Ms Emambakhsh escaped from Iran, claiming asylum after her partner was
arrested, tortured and it is feared has been sentenced to death by
stoning. Her father has also been arrested, tortured and interrogated
about Pegah's whereabouts, he has since been released.

According to Iranian Human Rights Campaigners over 4000 lesbians and gay
men have been executed since the Ayatollahs came to power in 1979.

Other European countries (including Germany and Holland) have a moratorium
on deporting gay people back to Iran. We urge you to take action on behalf
of Ms Emambakhsh and stop her deportation back to a country where there is
no doubt she will be persecuted, prosecuted and possibly stoned to death.


The Undersigned

Italy repudiates war[...] as a way of resolution of international
controversies [Art. 11 Constitution of the Italian Republic]

                 \\ ~ ~ //
                  ( @ @ )
|                                       |
|               ANNA GIGLI              |
|                                       |
|Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione |
|        e le Politiche Sociali         |
|                                       |
|    Via Nizza 128, 00198 ROMA, ITALY   |
|                                       |
|  Tel +39 06 4993 2702                 |
|  Fax +39 06 8583 4506                 |
|  e-mail anna.gigli at       |
|                                       |
                 .oooO (  )
                  (  )  ) /
                   \ ( (_/

Sostieni la telematica per la pace, versa un contributo sul c.c.p.
13403746 intestato ad Associazione PeaceLink, C.P. 2009, 74100 Taranto
Inoltro una petizione che mi è stata inviata da un amico, attivista di Amnesty. Credo che sia molto importante aderire.
Un abbraccio a tutti,
----- Original Message -----
From: Anna Gigli
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 9:54 AM
Subject: salviamo una donna iraniana dalla possibile morte

Quella che segue è una urgente petizione al ministro degli interni britannico, per bloccare il rimpatrio forzato in Iran di Pegah Emambakhsh, una donna iraniana lesbica che aveva chiesto asilo politico in Gran Bretagna. Se dovesse essere deportata in Iran, come deciso dalla Border and Immigration Agency, rischia la morte per lapidazione.

Per firmare cliccare su

Si prega di far circolare

Anna Gigli


To:  UK Home Secretary

HO ref. B1191057

Dear Home Secretary,

We the undersigned petition the Home Secretary to reconsider Pegah Emambakhsh’s case and grant her permission to stay in the UK. If returned to Iran she faces certain imprisonment and possibly stoning to death. Her crime in Iran is her sexual orientation – she was in a relationship with another woman.

Pegah Emambakhsh is an Iranian national who sought asylum in the UK in 2005. Her claim failed despite appeals and she was arrested in Sheffield on Monday 13th August and taken to Yarlswood detention centre. She is likely to be deported back to Iran in the near future.

Ms Emambakhsh escaped from Iran, claiming asylum after her partner was arrested, tortured and it is feared has been sentenced to death by stoning. Her father has also been arrested, tortured and interrogated about Pegah’s whereabouts, he has since been released.

According to Iranian Human Rights Campaigners over 4000 lesbians and gay men have been executed since the Ayatollahs came to power in 1979.

Other European countries (including Germany and Holland) have a moratorium on deporting gay people back to Iran. We urge you to take action on behalf of Ms Emambakhsh and stop her deportation back to a country where there is no doubt she will be persecuted, prosecuted and possibly stoned to death.


The Undersigned

Italy repudiates war[...] as a way of resolution of international
controversies [Art. 11 Constitution of the Italian Republic]

                 \\ ~ ~ //
                  ( @ @ )
|                                       |
|               ANNA GIGLI              |
|                                       |
|Istituto di Ricerche sulla Popolazione |
|        e le Politiche Sociali         |
|                                       |					
|    Via Nizza 128, 00198 ROMA, ITALY   |
|                                       |					
|  Tel +39 06 4993 2702                 |
|  Fax +39 06 8583 4506                 |
|  e-mail anna.gigli at       |
|                                       |
                 .oooO (  )
                  (  )  ) /
                   \ ( (_/

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