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UFPJ needs your help...today!

http://www.unitedforpeace.org | 212-868-5545
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UFPJ urgently needs your financial help.  If you haven’t made a donation to
UFPJ recently, we hope you will take a moment right now to make a secure
online contribution at http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate

As you know, United for Peace and Justice has been hard at work since the
day we were formed 20 months ago. But our work is far from over. Just the
opposite is true: now is the moment when we need to expand and strengthen
our efforts.

Today, in ways we have not seen before, there is growing opposition to the
U.S. occupation of Iraq and the all-too-frequent, senseless deaths of Iraqi
civilians and U.S. servicepeople. As the June 30th "transfer" of power
approaches, we are re-doubling our anti-occupation efforts and working hard
to bring more people into this movement. The steps we take now can help to
significantly strengthen the peace and justice movement.

But we need your help – and the help of many others – to make it happen.

The majority of our nation wants the U.S. to leave Iraq.  But the two main
candidates for president – though differing on details – want to stay in
Iraq indefinitely. Only a deafening roar from the anti-war movement can
break this logjam. We're sick of killing, sick of torture, sick of lies.

In the next several months, UFPJ's member groups will bring the Iraq
disaster to voters and politicians in every corner of the nation. We are
working with Boston-area peace and justice groups to make sure our movement
has a strong presence during the Democratic National Convention at the end
of July. And in New York City, UFPJ's plans for a massive march and rally
on the eve of the Republican National Convention are underway and we are
working closely with a broad range of groups planning activities that whole

United for Peace and Justice is strong in many ways: we are clear about
what needs to happen; we have a committed network of activist groups around
the country; we have a track record of quality work and accomplishment.

What we lack is the money needed to reach the full potential of our plans.
And that's why we turn to you, that's why we ask for your generous and
immediate support.

Your donations will help pay staff salaries (which are minimal by any
standards); help us print several million posters and leaflets for national
distribution; help pay the rent on larger space for the national office so
the 100+ volunteers we’re expecting this summer have the room to work; and
help us upgrade our computers and other office technology.

Many of you have been very supportive in the past. We greatly appreciate
every contribution you've made and hope you will once again dig deep into
your pockets. We especially encourage those of you who have not yet made a
donation to do so now, right now.

As always, we hope you will check our web site at www.unitedforpeace.org
for updates on important campaigns and projects. And please contact us if
you need any assistance with your organizing efforts.

Thanks so much for your support!!

Here's how you can contribute....

ONLINE: You can make a secure online donation right now at

CHECK OR MONEY ORDER: Send your donation to United for Peace and Justice,
P.O. Box 607, Times Square Station, New York, NY 10108.

CREDIT CARD: You can also contribute by credit card by calling the UFPJ
office at 212-868-5545.

If you need your contribution to be tax-deductible it must be at least $100
and the check has to be made out to the A. J. Muste Memorial Institute and
mailed to UFPJ at the address above.

Thank you very much for your continued support: it makes it possible for us
to do this work!

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