Kanafani Tribute, plus Laila Faisal, Omar Ghraieb and much more!

Today we mark the anniversary of the assassination of one of Palestine's greatest sons. Writer, artist, intellectual, politician, Arab Nationalist and most of all, Palestinian patriot, Ghassan Kanafani. PTT presents a tribute to his life and work. Included is one of his most powerful short stories. We believe that the world needs to listen as much as possible to the voices of Palestinians, who have given indications of what our focus should be on, and who refuse to be passive subjects of a narrative dominated by Israeli words and deeds, but who deserve to enter into the awareness of all who are interested in their situation, and to maintain the role of protagonists in their own story. When the Mossad killed him together with his 9 year old niece, they informed the world that they had killed a Guerilla, which was the language used back then for militant patriots, and the world either rejoiced or yawned. Today we honour him as one of the greats of his people.

Another great voice that many will recognise for her power and wisdom, Laila Faisal expresses what Arab intellectuals should be doing for Palestine:

Omar Ghraieb recounts an odyssey that seems like a novel, but it is another one of the many stories of despair, hope, betrayal and pain that is part of the life of a Palestinian:

On the useless and dangerous division and factionalism of Palestinians, one of Palestine's greatest poets, Mahmoud Darwish, warned:

Haithem El-Zabri, founder of Palestine Online Store, in a fantastic interview:

Yvonne Ridley's great piece on Blair and Abbas:

Ghassan Hage's incredible poem, A Massacre is not a Massacre:

and many other new things to link, read, share! To those returning to your loved ones for the summer, we wish you a safe journey. We will be here, updating the site regularly, in spite of Mediterranean heatwaves!
