Hezbollah is the Resistance plus Israel is the 4th least peaceful Nation

PTT has two important papers today:
Franklin Lamb presents the updating of Hezbollah's "Open Letter" which is a strong statement of resistance and definitely something that should debunk all the mainstream Western Media Bias against them, if they were to release their dependency on propaganda....And WHY would Lebanon need Hezbollah to resist? Quite simple... Israel is a warrior nation that will not change any time soon (see post below this one)

The results are in that analyse parametres that make a nation "peaceful". Israel ranks as the 4th LEAST peaceful nation, which of course is no surprise, when looks at the details, one can see that they are a threat to the entire world. Some of the detailed elements include the "Willingness to Fight", in other words, dangerous aggression to anyone they feel presents a threat. Many informative elements to study and compare.