Ramallah: la pace secondo Olmert

Ricevo e inoltro da Ramallah
Nathan Never

vi prego di leggere il documento emesso ieri dal Palestinian Medical Relief Society in seguito all'incursione dell'esercito israeliano avvenuta ieri nel pomeriggio nel cuore gremito di gente di Ramallah. L'incursione ha lasciato dietro di se' 4 morti e oltre 60 feriti, tutti palestinesi.

Oggi si sono svolti i funerali delle vittime e gia' da ieri la citta' sta osservando due giorni di lutto. Le strade sono deserte, i negozi serrati e si respira un'aria carica di tensione, rabbia e frustrazione.


PMRS Responds to Killing of 4 Palestinians During Israeli Military Incursion into Ramallah

Ramallah, 24-05-06: The Palestinian Medical Relief Society’s (PMRS) Emergency Response Team were at the scene of an Israeli military incursion into the heart of Ramallah today, during which 4 Palestinians were killed, and 50 others wounded.  A further 5 Palestinians were arrested.

The incursion came as the Israeli military’s undercover Duvdevan unit entered a building in the city’s Clock Square, allegedly to make an arrest, but were surrounded by a group of unarmed Palestinians and prevented from leaving the building.  Six Israeli military jeeps entered the city as backup, and were met by a barrage of stones, garbage cans, and paint launched by unarmed Palestinian protestors.  At this point, the Israeli military began shooting live bullets and tear gas at protestors, killing four Palestinians and injuring up to 50 others.

PMRS ambulances helped ferry the dead and wounded to Ramallah’s Sheikh Zaid Hospital.

PMRS calls for urgent action by the international community to condemn the killings, to protest ongoing Israeli escalatory military actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and to end the financial and political embargo against the Palestinian people. Such actions by Israel come in the context of an already fragile political situation and an impending humanitarian crisis, as the ability of the Ministry of Health to maintain service provision and intervene in emergency situations has been weakened by donor funding cuts.
Today’s tragic events in Ramallah serve to bring two important facts to the attention of the international community:

1.	The Occupation and its associated ills continues; and
2. Such emergency situations brought about by the Occupation are intensified by the acute financial crisis currently facing the Palestinian people.