[uruknet.info] - [daily information from occupied iraq] - [newsletter 23 Jan 2005]

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:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Jack Kemp, Jimmy Carter & Saddam Hussein
Jude Wanniski
... I don't know why Vincent would "plead guilty to secretly lobbying" Kemp
in '97 and Jimmy Carter in '99, to help end the sanctions, which the UN had
estimated resulted in the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children (...) Pardon me,
political reporters and editors, but it sounds Orwellian to me, and I am
baffled as to why your newspapers are not yelling in their editorial pages
about why Mr. Vincent is being hounded by the Justice Department. It must
be because, a! s a friend of the Baghdad government of Saddam Hussein, he
was favored in the oil-for-food program in getting tickets to export Iraqi
oil over all those who were enemies of the Baghdad government. As for the
"oil-for-food" scandal, you surely know my opinion, conveyed to you a
number of times, that there was no scandal at all...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9094&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9094

Everything is under control
..."The people of England have been led in Mesopotamia into a trap from
which it will be hard to escape with dignity and honor. They have been
tricked into it by a steady withholding of information. The Baghdad
communiques are belated, insincere, incomplete. Things have been far worse
than we have been told, our administration is more bloody and inefficient
than the public knows". We are today not far from a disaster." So wrote
T.E. Lawrence—Lawrence of Ara! bia—in The Sunday Times in August 1920. And
he could just as well have been referring to America...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9101&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9101

Dall'Afghanistan al'Iraq: trapiantare il terrorismo ordito dalla CIA
Kurt Nimmo, Freebooter
..."L'Iraq ha rimpiazzato l'Afghanistan come terreno di addestramento per
la prossima generazione di terroristi 'professionalizzati'", ha riassunto
Priest. Notare l'omissione, o forse è un caso di amnesia, sebbene
improbabile, di quanto la CIA sia responsabile dei terroristi
'professionalizzatì operanti in Afghanistan e successivamente in Iraq. Sia
Robert Gates, ex direttore della CIA, che Zbigniew Brezinski, consigliere
p! er la sicurezza nazionale di Jimmy Carter lo ammettono. Brezinski
qualche anno fa se ne è persino vantato con un quotidiano francese, il
Nouvel Observateur. I mujaheddin afgani, e la cosiddetta al Qaeda di Osama
bin Laden, sono stati creati dalla CIA, dall'ISI pakistano e dal MI6

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9088&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9088

The power to resist.
Harith Al-Dhari, head of the Muslim Scholars Association, spoke to Mohamed
Al-Anwar in Baghdad about the US attempts to court Iraq's Sunnis
Al-Ahram Weekly
...The killing and destruction have continued uninterruptedly from the time
US forces entered the country until the present. More than 100,000 Iraqis
have been killed and more than half a million Iraqi men and women are in
prison. There are more than 120 imams and preachers from the association
who were either killed or! imprisoned. Then came the phase of the total or
the near total destruction of the cities of Najaf and Falluja. How can
people be expected to have elections under such circumstances?...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9079&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9079

The horror of Depleted Uranium is not limited to Iraq - it may well be at
our doorsteps
James Denver
'I'm horrified. The people out there - the Iraqis, the media and the troops
- risk the most appalling ill health. And the radiation from depleted
uranium can travel literally anywhere. It's going to destroy the lives of
thousands of children, all over the world. We all know how far radiation
can travel. Radiation from Chernobyl reached Wales and in Britain you
sometimes get red dust from the Sahara on your car.' T! he speaker is not
some alarmist doom-sayer. He is Dr Chris Busby, the British radiation
expert, Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine
and UK representative on the European Committee on Radiation Risk, talking
about the best kept secret of this war...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9099&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9099

Letter to the Military Incompetents in London and Washington
Avion Williams , www.albasrah.net
...To the fools and military incompetents in London and Washington. As you
may be aware from my previous letters on this and other websites my
of your defeat in Iraq is now certain (...) I will not warn you again. My
intention in writing this letter is to save the lives of the ordinary
working class troops who are my brothers. To the heroic Iraqi resistance -
your struggle is a example to the world. You will achieve immortality with
your victory. God bless you all!

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9102&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9102

Supporting the Troops by Stopping the Warmongering
Stan Moore, Media Monitors Network
...Condoleeze Rice lied again in order to support the troops in her
confirmation hearings as Secretary of State. She called Saddam Hussein our
"sworn enemy". I do not recall Saddam Hussein ever declaring war against
the United States or instituting offensive operations against our troops or
our population. Saddam Hussein swore that he would defend his people
against our troops, but only after we put him in the position where he! had
to fight and thus become our "enemy"...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9092&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9092

The case for trial of Bush and Blair
Muhammad Hasibor Rahman
Both US president George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair should be
declared as world criminals and brought to justice. There are irrefutable
charges against them for putting them on trial. Bush and Blair misled not
only their respective nation but also the world at large and invaded Iraq
on false charges and occupied it. They have thrown a peaceful nation into

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9098&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9098

Andrew McKillop: OPEC and Bush 2's New Economy rhetoric
Andrew McKillop, VHeadline.com
Providing yet more 'justification' for what UN Secretary General Annan ...
and millions of others ... call an illegal war in Iraq, the American
neoconservative house magazine, the 'Wall Street Journal' had this to say
about OPEC in a 29 July 2003 article by its editorial writer Claudia
Rosett. She wrote: (OPEC is) "a gang of price-fixing oil-rich thug regimes
(which) meet to reinforce assorted terrorist-sponsoring tyrants at hi! gh
cost to world consumers". At the time, in 2003, it was important for the US
hard right to drum out that a 'liberated' Iraq would firstly inundate the
world with cheap oil, and secondly quit OPEC...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9097&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9097

Newspaper Shuttered, Editor Held In Baghdad
Pamela Constable, Washington Post
A local newspaper has been shut down and its manager arrested over an
article that U.S. occupation authorities and Iraqi officials considered an
incitement to violence and a threat to human rights in Iraq. Iraqi police
accompanied by U.S. troops raided the offices of Al-Mustaqila newspaper,
which means The Independent in Arabic. Neighbors said troops broke down the
front door, ransacked the office and detained the newspaper's manager, !
Abdul Sattar Shalan...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9096&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9096

New abuse allegations against British soldiers in Iraq - Report
The British army is facing a new set of allegations of Iraqi prisoners
abuse, in addition to the current court martial of three soldiers in
Germany. According to a British media report, the Ministry of Defence army
prosecution lawyers have completed investigations into nine separate
incidents which involve British soldiers based in Iraq. Furthermore, the
ministry is actively considering bringing charges against the nine

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9095&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9095

"Saddam Hussein the Fighter, the Thinker and the Man".
Part II, CHAPTER 16: The political use of energy
Amir Iskander , Al-Moharer
...Before going into detail about Saddam Hussein's strategic viewpoint on
this vitally important matter of the future of the Arab world and the
direction its development takes, it must be said that Iraq's control over
its oil wealth, which should serve as an inspired example to the other Arab
oil countries, has allowed it to fully liberate itself from all external

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9103&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9103

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 22 January 2005
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial board The
Free Arab Voice.
US troops in al-Fallujah found the bodies of two American soldiers at the
end of the an-Nazal neighborhood on Saturday morning. Witnesses belonging
to the Iraqi puppet regime's security forces told Mafkarat al-Islam in
al-Fallujah that the occupation troops had searched all night for the
bodies, but only found them at about 8:30am Saturday. The source said th!
at the name of one of the Americans was something like Steve Arson, and he
said that on Friday night the American command had announced that they were

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9093&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9093

Moonie Editorialist: Hersh is a Traitor and should be Prosecuted for Espionage
Kurt Nimmo
Tony Blankley, editorializing for the Moonie owned and operated Washington
Times, suggests Seymour Hersh is a traitor and a spy and should be tried
for espionage. Blankley admits that he does not know if Hersh's article—The
Coming Wars: What the Pentagon Can Now Do in Secret—is technically a
violation of the unconstitutional Espionage Act, but considers it only one
of many "egregious government leaks of military secrets" to ! the press, in
other words Blankley is outraged by the fact the American people have
learned the details of the Strausscon plan to wage World War IV against the
Muslim world...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9090&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9090

Operation Limited Freedom
Tyler Marshall, Times Staff Writer
...Such is life inside one of the world's most dangerous diplomatic
assignments: the U.S. Embassy, Baghdad(...) Embassy staffers describe their
job as diplomacy in a combat zone. John Limbert, president of the American
Foreign Service Assn., a Washington-based group that represents the
country's 23,000 active and retired foreign service officers, calls it
"extreme diplomacy."

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9085&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9085

The BBC and the middle ages
Abu Assur, Al-Moharer
...How is it possible to defend the un-defendable? How can we represent the
Iraq blunder as a success story! How to change lies into, let's say
half-truths. The BBC bosses insist: write about what has been achieved in
Mesopotamia, don't be gloomy and negative or you will lose your job. Wall
street wants us to sell the war against Iraq and justify it. Remember how
these journalists used to despise in a paternalistic and arrogant way the
Soviet Union Pravda and the ! Kremlin propaganda...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9086&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9086

Wolfowitz story falsified
Testifying before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee in July 2003
about the rebuilding of Iraq, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told
the story of Jumana Michael Hanna, an Iraqi woman who had recently come to
the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad with a tale of her horrific
torture at the hands of Saddam Hussein's regime. Hanna's tale -- more than
two years of imprisonment that included being subjected to electric shocks,
repeatedly! raped and sexually assaulted -- was unusual in that she was
willing to name the Iraqi police officials who participated in her torture,
"information that is helping us to root out Baathist policemen who
routinely tortured and killed prisoners," Wolfowitz said. But Hanna's
story, which 10 days before Wolfowitz's testimony had been the subject of a
front-page article in the Washington Post, appears to have unraveled...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9077&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9077

Bush's Inaugural Address: the Strausscons are Victorious and on Schedule
Kurt Nimmo
..."Bush's grand ambitions excited his neoconservative supporters, who see
his call to put the United States in the forefront of the battle to spread
democracy as noble and necessary," Dan Balz and Jim VandeHei write for the
Washington Post, using the now standard code word—i.e., "democracy" —as a
rhetorical cover for the fact they plan to spread depleted uranium and kill
100,000 or more innocent people, the current Iraqi death to! ll, in Iran
and Syria...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9078&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9078

In the Penal Colony
Lisa Hajjar . The Nation
...There is no reason to doubt that torture has been systemic and
pervasive, or that authorization can be traced up the chain of command, or
that this has seriously damaged not only the immediate victims but also our
national institutions and America's image abroad. Yet top officials in the
Bush Administration are still doing what torturing regimes do: denying the
facts and blaming "rogue" officers. Despite the abundant evidence of
torture, Congress refuses to challeng! e these denial tactics in any
meaningful way, for example by refusing to confirm for high office those
responsible. What we desperately need is public acknowledgment that torture
is always and everywhere a crime, and an official policy that reflects this

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9081&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9081

The Pentagon's Neurosis
Fallujah Gulag
...I think this mad "Fallujah plan" will, or should, go down in history as
one of those perfect, crystalline moments when imperial domination shows
its true nature. During the Vietnam War we had the immortal words, "We had
to destroy the village to save it." That summed it all up beautifully. The
Fallujah Plan expresses the same contradiction. To save Fallujah's
"freedom" it has to be destroyed as a city and turned into a prison...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=8083&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=8083

In One Night, Iraqi Turns From Friend to Foe
Man Who Supported U.S. Occupation Calls Americans 'the Devil' After Alleged
Raid on His House
Jackie Spinner, Washington Post Staff Writer
...The Americans were "the devil," Imaad ranted. By all accounts, Imaad,
32, was a typical, mild-mannered college graduate who spoke English well
and had quietly supported the U.S. presence in Iraq -- until Jan. 5, the
night the soldiers came. His story about that night, told days later in his
small living room,! is the story of how the U.S. military made an enemy of
one man during a 20-minute encounter...

<http://uruknet.info?s1=1&p=9100&s2=23>Read the full article / Leggi
l'articolo completo: www.uruknet.info?p=9100

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information concerning occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts
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