[Disarmo] Dalla Palestina - Fwd: [HumanRights] compassion fatigue?

Oggetto: [HumanRights] compassion fatigue?
Data: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:26:54 +0300
Mittente: Mazin Qumsiyeh <mazin at qumsiyeh.org>
A: Jure <glry at ngi.it>

Dear friends
Some days we are overwhelmed (compassion fatigue?) with things to do to
respond to the humanitarian catastrophes and the geopolitical challenges we
humans face. We care about many things because of mass communication,
globalization, and the fact that all struggles are connected (the elites
are after all connected in our oppression). Just this week, here in
Palestine we think of hose ongoing tragedies that are connected:

-The continuing siege and starvation of 2 million people in Gaza (most of
them refugees) with no electricity, hardly any water (which can’t be
running due to lack of electricity to pump it etc)

-The siege and destruction of Arabs in Jerusalem: Israel took the flimsy
excuse of the killing of two of its soldiers in the city to accelerate its
long term plan of getting rid of Palestinians in the city to make it a
Jewish city. Electronic checkpoints manned by occupation soldiers put for
entry of Muslims to their Holy Site is unacceptable to all decent Muslims
around the world. Like Jewish colonies and walls in Jerusalem this is also
contrary to International law (4th Geneva convention) to alter the status
quo of occupied territories. Colonial Jewish settlers are rejoicing at the
prospect of unfettered access sans Muslim worshippers into the Muslim Holy

-The attack on UNESCO for following International law and not Zionist
dreams of conquest. We need to support UNESCO.

-The human misery in Mosul, Iraq following its liberation by the Iraqi army
from the US/Israel created Daesh (ISIS).

- The human misery in Syria inflicted by fighting militias (mercenaries)
whether backed by Turkey, US, or Israel.  The geopolitical game being waged
there with players also includes Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel.
People pay the price.

-The human misery inflicted on Yemen by the Saudi and UAE governments (also
backed by the US and Israel).

-The environmental catastrophe (Nakba) that is happening all around us with
so little action to fix it as the rich get richer while keeping us busy
with the conflicts, tribalism, nationalism etc (the above are examples of
distractions while they get richer).

Yes, some days it can be overwhelming to deal with these things. Negative
vipes start to creep in (dwelling on the challenges, seeing the cup half
empty etc). In such days, I am glad to be surrounded by many young
volunteers and staff working hard to light candles in this darkness. But I
am also inspired by dedication of those who preceded us. I got a chance to
visit the cemetery today due to a death in the family and I paid tribute to
many of my relatives and many of my heroes from my town while remembering
others in distant lands who preceded us to become dust and memories (e.g.
Edward Said).  It helps us get centered and to see that challenges are also
opportunities. That we need incremental work. That this is a marathon not a
sprint.That we are only small parts of a large struggle (humility). That
the viciousness of attack on us is actually a sign of desperation on behalf
of the elites living in their nice villas in Ramallah, Tel Aviv, and
Washington DC.  That we must go on with optimism of the will.

Let die? Ft. George Khoury, country director for the OCHA in Yemen| Most
conflicts inflict similar kinds of hardship and despair on their victims,
but even among this chronic suffering, the war in Yemen has its own
distinct face. It is the face of a child emaciated by hunger. Does this
child or the thousands of Yemeni children fighting off death stand a
chance? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by George Khoury, country
director for the OCHA in Yemen:

Come visit us in occupied Palestine
And stay human

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
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