R: Da Korogocho: speciale invito per gli obiettivi del millennio...

Vorrei proprio esserci, ma data l’impossibilità giocherò anche io unito a voi. Qui purtroppo si “giocano altre partite” sulla pelle della gente. Sempre nei nostri pensieri, uniti sempre, ti abbraccio.

Gianfranco e c.


Da: africa-request at peacelink.it [mailto:africa-request at peacelink.it] Per conto di Kariobangi Catholic Church (by way of Alessandro Marescotti <a.marescotti at peacelink.it>)
Inviato: martedì 13 settembre 2005 19.13
A: news at peacelink.it; africa at peacelink.it
Oggetto: Da Korogocho: speciale invito per gli obiettivi del millennio...


carissimi amici!! jambo!

vi mando uno speciale invito....per partecipare anche voi magari in modo diverso a questo strano e speciale torneo di calcetto che giocheremo a korogocho dentro uno dei tanti slum di nairobi.....
insieme a nazioni unite, giornalisti, preti cattolici, pastori vari e bambini di strada....
per ricordarci che siamo molto lontani dagli obiettivi del millennio....molto lontani....
fate girare amici....

tuko pamoja

padre daniele moschetti
comboniano a nome della comunita di st.john korogocho

P.O. BOX 47714 00100 G.P.O NAIROBI
TEL: 020-780430
MOBILE: 0733 702 972
EMAIL: combonikario at clubinternetk.com

Date: 7th Sep, 2005.


Millenium Development Goals, otherwise called the MDGs is perhaps the most talked about diplomatic and development jargon. This is a set of eight goals set up by the UN to address the various challenges facing the world in the 21st century. These goals are to:
·        Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
·        Achieve universal primary education.
·        Promote gender equality and empower women.
·        Reduce child mortality.
·        Improve maternal health.
·        Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
·        Ensure environmental sustainability
·        Develop global partnership for development

At the inception of the MDGs the UN had hoped to achieve these goals by 2015. However, according to reports emanating from various social actors, there is minimal indication that these goals would be met by the expiry of the target time
Attention has now been focused on whether these goals were realistic in the first place and whether they can be achieved within this limited time frame.

Activities and consultative forums are going on in different parts of the world to lobby for a rethinking on the philosophy of the MDGs and look into the possibility taking corrective measures to salvage the remaining phase. This Sunday the 11th, there will be a short football tournament at St. John Catholic Church Korogocho  playing ground at 2.00pm
The aim of the tournament will be to create awareness on the need to relook at the MDGs and challenge the various actors to evaluate why a lot has not been achieved, bringing to focus the practically of the idea. The tournament will also mark the anniversary of the 11th September terrorist bombings in the US and other similar terrorist activities in Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Iraq, Britain among others.

The tournament will feature teams from the UN HABITAT, The Nation Media Group, St. John Sport Society (SSS), Catholic Priests and Korogocho Spiritual Leader Association (KOSLA). Each team will comprise of 5 players and 3 reserves.
By Oluoch   Japheth.
For Information:
Fr. Daniel Moschetti
0733 702972

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